“I started seeing Pamela in November 2010. I was trying to get pregnant, and the stress of it all was affecting my overall health. I had never done acupuncture before, but was interested in trying something different. The first few treatments, I didn’t notice a huge difference. I didn’t know quite what to expect. However, Pamela herself was teaching me ways to relax and change my negative thought patterns I had had my whole life. Slowly, I started changing my outlook on things and found I was more at peace.

In March 2011, I found myself pregnant naturally. I had been seeing a specialist and was told we would need IVF to conceive. I have no doubt that treatments from Pamela, along with her support and advice in changing my thought patterns had an influence on my body. I noticed I was more calm, felt very relaxed after acupuncture treatments, and just felt better overall.
As a person, I am not as negative or anxious. I am moving out of state but would continue to see Pamela on a regular basis if I had not. She is a gifted practitioner and warm individual that you feel at ease with the moment you meet her.”

Jennifer of Syracuse, Utah

“I found Pamela’s Five Element Acupuncture very effective.  Almost any ailment I brought into her office was gone when I left. This was especially true concerning onsets of flu or colds.  The primary symptom I experience at onset is a lack of energy.  This would be reversed immediately as the first needles were inserted. Actually I usually didn’t need to tell Pamela what needed fixing; she would determine that from feeling my pulse.The most impressive cure occurred when I had given my knee a nasty twist two weeks before I was due to begin a bicycling tour in New Zealand.  I didn’t think I’d be able to ride and was glad to have acquired trip insurance.  After a treatment from Pamela, I was able to ride for two weeks without discomfort.I was sad that Pamela had to move to Ogden, Utah.  My loss is Ogden’s gain.”

Jack from Boulder Colorado

“I was one of Pamela’s first patients and came for thyroid issues and back pain.  After 20 years I still feel great.”

“(Pamela) you improve everything you touch.”  NQ

#Cupping for back pain relief!