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Everyday we wake up and start a new day.  It’s the present.  A gift of now, to learn, to see, to listen, to feel, to be aware of the relationship to ourself, others and the world we live in.  We are constantly changing to adapt to become aware of these environments.  Possibility of movements.

All things exists by virtue of movement.  Continuation of movement is the basis of all transformations due to Qi.  Activity and movement of all things is balance, according to Chinese medicine medicine.

Qi Represents All the Possibilities

Elisabeth Rochat DeLaValle wrote, “Qi represents all the possibilities of the expression of life appearing on earth, and in the human body.”  Qi is the source of life and differentiated in many aspects.  It is an expression of life in an organized unity of energetic concepts.  Qi shows us how life has continuum of movement through the passage of time and space creating possibility.

Possibility is what allows us to adapt.  Qi is our internal innate power and abilities that affect our environments and relationships to oneself and others.  As Qi flows through the body it affects each organ.  Each organ has a peak of Qi every 2 hours and a seasonal peak as well.  Qi is the movement of all life in our environment.

The environment is essential to who we become in the world.   It is not only where we live but what we eat, how we sleep, how we relax.  Look at the world around you: the natural world, social world and culture.  Where do you walk, how do you dance and play?   Who do you talk to and listen to?  What does one watch and read?  Who do you interface with?  These influences are how changes happen within the continuum. The seasonal cycles are a constant use of a metaphor.

A couple millions years ago neanderthals walked the earth.  They learned to make fire, hunt and gather food. Physiologically they knew to migrate with herds and other animals. We maintain the DNA but we have evolved and adapted to our ever changing society.

DNA that makes up our genes randomly mutates.  Every organism on Earth except some viruses, are subject to random DNA mutation.  There is research that suggests our environment and lifestyle can affect our DNA causing change and mutation.

Adaptation to Change

The seasons we live in are always changing.   We are in this evolutionary cycle of change together.  Five Element Acupuncture  is a theory of how to stay healthy in these seasonal transitions.  Traditional Chinese medicine looks at these cycles of energy in constant movement and change to create balance within the self and open up possibilities.

Balance is carefully maintained with support to preserve ones vitality.  It is the adaption of movement that creates great potential for health.  The Five elements are like the seasons of the year.  Water, wood, fire, earth and metal. The seasons Winter, Spring, Summer, Late summer and fall.  We adapt to the seasons as they come.  We cannot change them, they are the continuity.

Balance is movement in change.  Regulation of movement and activity is made by the means of the spirit.  The spirit is expressed through every living movement.  Our essences are used to make blood for muscles, marrow for the bones, and sound of the voice.  Anxiety, disease or illness may develop when we don’t follow the seasonal cycles of change.

Turn Turn Turn

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.  ESV: English Standard Version 2016

Let us continue to change and adapt to have all the possibilities as our gifts!

Pamela Bys


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