Qigong for health

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Qigong for health is a practice to relax the nervous system.  It is a practice that integrates the Five Elements with flowing movements that build our energy and influence our body, emotions and mental energy.    It is an ancient form of movement that helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Qigong stretches, activates moves your muscles.  It helps people to focus.  It helps to reduce stress, pain, depression, and boosts the immune system.  Overall qigong creates inspiration, abundance and wellbeing.

We will be offering Qigong classes online and in-person soon!  Follow us on facebook and more to come on the website.

Take care of yourself today…Nothing is worth more than this day.
You cannot relive yesterday.
Tomorrow is still beyond our reach.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all of the time.
Anna Freud